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Dynamic Risk Assessment Systems


DyRiAS-Intimate Partners

Logo GSZ Steiermark

"For a crisis center such as the ‘Gewaltschutzzentrum’ (Violence Protection Center) the possibility of gaining a quick but sound overview of the crisis at hand as it is provided by DyRiAS is a great achievement. As it is not necessary to interview the individual of concern in person, this kind of risk assessment can easily be carried out by every member of our staff. Also, the personal training that is a prerequisite for the correct use of DyRiAS was a very exciting and informative training experience." (Marina Sorgo, MA, Managing Director)

"I particularly like the library, I love to dip in and read."

"Thank you for this useful tool. In our work as a victim protection center we feel greatly supported!" (Marion Egger, member of staff)

Logo Frauenhaus Singen

"The program helps to make a threat ‚visible’. It shows which kind of behavior is indeed dangerous; it rates the danger potential and also points out hidden dangers."

logo GSZ Obersterreich

"DyRiAS provides a sound basis for all further action in threatening situations so that it is easier to communicate the given threat and to decide on suitable measures together with the threatened individual and other stakeholders in the institutions involved."

logo Kantonpolizei Zrich II

"DyRiAS Intimate Partners is clear-cut, well-structured and provides good examples."

 logo Stadtpolizei Zrich II

"Clear presentation of case assessment. The program allows for additional input and changes of input at any time. It is certainly a suitable program for the assessment of the individuals currently involved in a given situation."



Trainings-, Beratungs- & Kompetenzzentrum e.V.

"The structured system design in DyRiAS-School is strongly based on facts. The result is clear-cut and helps to communicate e.g. at schools why further measures need to be taken."

logo martin-niemller schule riedstadt

"By training and by profession we are teachers. We have no experience with the assessment of threatening situations. The system has been empirically designed by people who know a lot more about this than we do, and we simply have to get help from outside if we want to correctly assess such situations." (Oliver Gaußmann, teacher and advisor for violence prevention)

logo Sachsen-Anhalt


 State school department of Sachsen-Anhalt


Bundespolizei Wien


State Police of Vienna


logo Kanton Thurgau


Canton of Thurgau Police


logo Solothurn II

Canton of Solothurn Police

logo Kantonpolizei Zrich II

Canton of Zürich Police

logo Stadtpolizei Zrich II

City Police Zürich

DyRiAS is certainly a suitable tool that helps schools at an early stage to identify students who may present a risk. In particular, the library that has been integrated into the system may be helpful, as the user has access to specific information on each of the 32 variables. The system does not merely generate an assessment; the user is also presented with options on how to proceed further. From the project report „Umsetzung von Strategien zur Bekämpfung zielgerichteter Gewalt an Schulen in Coesfeld“ (2010; Implementation of strategies of fighting targeted violence at schools in Coesfeld) of the Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung NRW (Münster, University of Public Administration).


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